Tips for school year communication between co-parents

On Behalf of | Jul 16, 2024 | Child Custody

Co-parents have a lot of things to consider as they’re raising the children. One of these is handling communication about the child’s education. This can be a challenging undertaking, particularly if they don’t see eye-to-eye about education matters. 

It’s best if parents evaluate the communication options before the start of the school year. This ensures they have a plan that they can rely on once school starts again. 

Determine the contact person with the school

In most cases, the school will only contact one parent if there’s something going on with the children. Choosing which parent will be the primary contact person at the school will make it easier for the school to know what to do. The other parent can be listed as the back-up contact person. 

Set the joint rules

Having a set of rules that will apply at both homes can help the child as they adjust to the new school year. Consider things like homework requirements and bedtime since they are often major concerns with the start of a new school year. You can also set joint expectations for school performance and behavior. Children may think you and your ex working as a parenting team to be a source of comfort and stability.

Getting the terms of the parenting plan together before the start of the new school year can help everyone involved. Remember to include information about transportation and other important considerations. Working with someone who’s familiar with these matters may be beneficial for parents as they try to work through this situation.