5 ways to handle the holiday season during divorce

On Behalf of | Dec 3, 2024 | Divorce And Dissolution

The holiday season is typically a time for joy and gatherings with family and friends. However, navigating the holiday cheer can be particularly challenging when you are going through a divorce. Thankfully, there are ways to manage the stress of the season.

Plan ahead.

Anticipate the challenges that the holiday season might bring. Consider your new circumstances and plan how you might handle different situations. This might include adjustments to your usual holiday plans. Planning helps reduce the stress of last-minute decisions and gives you a sense of control.

Planning ahead is especially important if you have children. Consider how you want to divide their time to ensure that they have time to celebrate and to reduce conflict between you and your ex. For example, you may want to have your child spend part of the day with each parent.

Set boundaries.

It is important to set emotional and physical boundaries. Communicate your needs clearly to your ex-spouse and family members. For example, you might decide not to attend certain gatherings if you know your ex-spouse will be there, or you might choose to limit conversations about the divorce.

Keep the kids in mind.

If you have children, keep their needs at the forefront. Try to keep their holiday routine as normal as possible. Make sure they have time to connect with the people they love – including their extended family – to help their holidays remain happy. Shield them from any conflicts or negative discussions about your ex-spouse.

Create new traditions.

The holidays can bring you happiness and comfort. While old traditions may not be an option, you have the opportunity to create new ways to celebrate the holidays. This can be anything from a small gathering with close friends, a solo trip or volunteering. New traditions can help you look forward to the holiday season despite the changes in your life.

Be kind to yourself.

Despite your best efforts, there may be moments when emotions run high. Prepare for this by having a plan in place on how you will handle sudden feelings of sadness or anger. This might involve stepping away from a situation, using breathing techniques or having a trusted friend to call.

Navigating a divorce during the holiday season is undoubtedly challenging. However, with thoughtful preparation and self-care, it is possible to manage the stress and find moments of peace and joy.